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WR VOA Elections

IT'S ELECTION TIME! While our region is only two years old, this is an election year for the Western Reserve. Per our bylaws, we must hold an election bi-annually. If you have any interest in running for one of the officer positions (President, Vice-President, Secretary, and Treasurer), please reach out to one us with any questions you may have. We plan to hold the election on September 1st with voting running through September 15th. So, if you are interested please make sure you get us your information no later than August 20th. The election will be run through the National VOA website with results being announced on October 5th. Want to have a more active role with the club, but you aren't interested in one of the officer positions? Reach out to us and we can discuss how you can help out your region. Thanks, Bob Bierman, President


John Cummins, Vice President


Rich Kautz, Secretary


Jenn Kautz, Treasurer


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