NVE 4 Information
Below you will find a message from VOA National President Beth Sewell with regards to NVE 4. Howdy everyone, As we all know, the U.S....
The Western Reserve Gives Back
Last year the Western Reserve took part in the annual Toys for Tots charity drive and with your help we were able to donate over $500...
Renewals for 2020 are open!
Greetings members of the Western Reserve! It's that time of year again. Renewals for the 2020 calendar year are open! Please head over...
New Event Added!
Head over to the events page to find information on an event we've just added to the calendar.
Fall cruise registration is now open
Head over to the events page to get all the details on our fall cruise!
Info for our event at PVGP!
Head over to the events section to get all the information on our upcoming event at the PVGP Historic's!
Details for Woodward have been posted!
Head over to the events section to check out all the current information we have for our trip up to the Woodward Dream Cruise.
Preliminary details for our fall cruise
Greetings members of the Western Reserve, As you know the Western Reserve holds what we call "signature events" throughout the year, and...
Make sure to head over to the events page and check out the changes that have happened for May 26th.
Venom Thaw Updates!
The registration deadline for this years Venom Thaw is fast approaching. Make sure you get your dinner reservation into us no later then...